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The Golden Arches, the Mac’s once-bitten Apple, the swirl of Pepsi’s blue and red—these are all logos. Logos are part of each company’s brand, and children are more shopping-savvy because of them. But ...

People spend so much time and effort trying to look younger. Many an aging beauty longs for a Fountain of Youth. In fact, a recent internet keyword search for “anti-aging products” turned out nearly 6 ...

The next “big thing” is always around the corner. From singers & actors to simple objects, fads attract attention. They elicit what is commonly referred to as a craze, mania or a phenomenon due to its ...

In this experiment subjects will be given a blind test to determine the quality of a given product. We will determine how generic products compare to name brand products and the reasons consumers buy ...

Packaging is a major industry in which engineers design containers (and filler) for shipping, protection, storage and use.Packaging is also useful for the transmission of information via labeling.Comm ...

En esta unidad de Tecnología (nivel 1º Bachillerato) se tratarán conceptos relacionados con el marketing: plan estratégico, características, distribución, comer ...