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What do plants need to grow? In this experiment, you’ll explore one of the most important factors affecting seed germination by finding out whether the amount of water a seed receives changes how quic ...

The project is about determining whether moths are attracted to one color of light more than others.The goal is to have the student review the literature about moths and light and then formulate and t ...

Have you ever wondered why objects have different colors? Have you also ever wondered what it would be like to work as a secret agent and send secret messages to people? Conduct this experiment to fin ...

Let there be light! At the flick of a switch, a light bulb can light or illuminate an entire room, but what else is happening? One the basic laws of physics, the conservation of energy, tells us that ...

Gardeners appreciate the value of compost. Called “gardener’s gold,” it adds valuable nutrients to the soil. Many gardeners make their own compost, but others often fail because they put their food sc ...

The goal of this project is to create radiation fog to see how it forms and how environmental elements affect it. Studying fog in a bottle provides opportunities to test hypotheses such as whether lig ...

Science is always working on technological improvements that prolong the freshness of food. This simple experiment is designed to determine whether or not food freshness is affected by light. The resu ...

Design and build a portable double-slit interference demonstration. The goals of this project are: To understand double-slit interference. To make the demonstration of this effect more ac ...

Did you know that the flies that buzz around your fruit bowl in the summer time have made huge contributions to science? A lot of what we’ve learned about genetics and chromosomes was first discovered ...

This project attempts to come up with a design for a growing chamber that will meet the physiological requirements of algae for maximum growth.The goal is to give the student an opportunity to use sci ...