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For this project students will live without technology for a period of time. Students will list the pros and cons of living without today's technologies.It is an educational content by ...

Make a theory of how your brain takes in information. Experiment with your hearing and writing and hopefully understand how your brain functions and processes information.It is an educational content ...

This experiment will investigate whether font choice affects peoples’ ability to remember the information that they read.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this ...

Explore the world of newspapers in this comprehensive unit, delving into journalistic genres, newspaper sections, and the art of advertisement. Enhance comprehension and expression skills while immers ...

Embark on a journey through the real of communication media with this engaging unit! From newspapers to social networks, students explore the diverse landscape of written, oral, and audiovisual platfo ...

Enhance your reading and writing skills with our comprehensive unit on information processing. Dive into reading techniques, textual interpretation, and mind maps to develop essential linguistic and l ...

Discover the art of effective information retrieval in our engaging unit on sources of information. From mastering search techniques to discerning reliable sources, students delve into vital skills li ...

Master the art of writing with our dynamic unit! Explore the writing process through critical thinking and step-by-step techniques. Students will learn to identify text recipients, purposes, and types ...

Développer ses capacités de lecture.

Comprendre différents types de textes selon leur fond et leur forme.

Distinguer les informations implicites et explicites dans un texte or ...

En esta unidad deTecnologías de la información y la comunicación (nivel 1º Bachillerato) se tratarán conceptos relacionados con la Sociedad de la Información, l ...