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Discover whether certain types of rocks are more difficult to break than other types of rocks.The purpose of this experiment is to test various sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks to find out w ...

The goal of this experiment is to make different chemical indicators and use them to identify solutions containing vitamin C, starch or that have a high pH.Students will consider how analytical chemis ...

Student finds and identifies invertebrates in soil samples to determine which soil has greater biological activity. What organisms are found in soil? What are nematodes? What role do nematodes play in ...

The goals of this project are to explore the variety of webs that spiders weave and to collect specimens for identification. Based on the type of web, students can predict the species of spider.To gat ...

Can you be a mineral detective? In this cool experiment on identifying rocks and minerals for kids, you’ll develop an understanding of some of the characteristics of different minerals. Minerals look, ...

Determine whether it is possible to identify a compound by using a flame test.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the con ...