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Some insulate more effectively than others. This science project identifies the most effective insulator that you could use to make a winter coat.It is an educational content by clic ...

Can praise lead to improvements in performance? In this experiment, you will evaluate this question by observing test subjects’ athletic performance before and after receiving praise. You will compare ...

Some people learn best by seeing information while others learn best when they listen to someone speaking. In this experiment, you will evaluate whether people are better auditory or visual learners a ...

In this experiment, a student will test the benefits of turning compost to aerate it.The student will set up two compost piles with soil and yard waste and place sheets of newspaper in each pile.Over ...

Find out what will make a baseball travel the farthest. The purpose of this experiment is to use baseball bats that are made out of a variety of to find out whether the material of the bat affects t ...

This project will analyze fuel consumption during average, daily use. Octane graded gasoline will be tested along with additives. By analyzing miles per gallon and cost student will calculate and comp ...

When an acid and a base combine, the base neutralizes the acid in a chemical reaction. This is how antacids work as well. This project will test which antacids are most potent in neutralizing lemon ju ...

Ergonomics is the science of designing custom work environments to increase productivity and decrease injury. Most commonly ergonomics has been applied to the office setting where an individual is wor ...

Camouflage occurs everywhere in the natural world, but animal camouflage is an especially interesting phenomenon. In this amazing world, animal camouflage is carried out in many ways: in color pattern ...

Determine whether multi-tasking is more or less efficient and under what conditions Is our brain drained or boosted?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resou ...