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Ecological succession is the natural process of the introduction and development of living things into an area. In an area where there is no soil, the process is called primary succession. In an area ...

Since their invention in 1950, disposable diapers have provided a convenient alternative to cloth diapers. The polymers absorb liquid while the layered construction pulls the wetness away from the bod ...

Student finds and identifies invertebrates in soil samples to determine which soil has greater biological activity. What organisms are found in soil? What are nematodes? What role do nematodes play in ...

The Ecology Student Edition book is one of ten volumes making up the Human Biology curriculum, an interdisciplinary and inquiry-based approach to the study of life science.

It is an educational content ...

Discover the impact of human actions on the environment with our engaging learning unit! Explore concepts like sustainability and environmental education, while learning about pollution, global warmin ...