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Determine the effects of different substances such as road salt, calcium chloride, sand, kitty litter, calcium magnesium acetate and Safe Paw (a commercial eco-friendly product) on melting ice while p ...

Recycling is big business. These days, much funding is available for the development of new products and technologies that simplify the recycling of everyday objects. A candle is a solid block of fuel ...

Packaging is a major industry in which engineers design containers (and filler) for shipping, protection, storage and use.Packaging is also useful for the transmission of information via labeling.Comm ...

This project attempts to design the smallest possible, fully equipped, one-person living space.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redi ...

TV reality shows like Project Runway (and performance artists like Lady Gaga) stretch fashion design to its breaking point. Project Runway competitors have created wearable clothes out of some rather ...