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Huff, puff and blow as hard as you can—do you think you can blow down a sand castle with your mighty breath? Blowing air erodes—wears away—sand and dirt. In Three Little Pigs, houses of straw or twigs ...

What do worms eat? They're wiggling out of the lawn, hiding under your flowers, and love to munch on things that you'd never want to eat for lunch, such as rotten vegetables. But what is a worm's favo ...

Cheery, colorful flowers make most everyone smile—and the blooming beauties smell lovely to boot! When you cut a flower to put into a vase, it'll eventually wilt, even with water and sunshine. But is ...

The formation of stalagmites and stalactites happens through the capillary action between porous rocks and water rich in minerals. The rocks attract the water and the moisture accumulates until gravit ...

Limestone is composed of tiny shells that fell to the ocean’s floor when sea creatures died. The pressure from other shells, the water and sand washing over them squashes the tiny shells together into ...

The goals of this project are to explore the variety of webs that spiders weave and to collect specimens for identification. Based on the type of web, students can predict the species of spider.To gat ...

Long ago, many people believed the world was flat. Explorers who loved geography—studying the earth—eventually proved it was round. As people learned more and more about what the world looked like, th ...

The goal of this project is to cultivate slime mold and observe the stages of its development. Varying the conditions of several dishes demonstrate the mold’s environmental requirements and reactions ...

This project has two goals: one is to demonstrate that insects observe colors and choose favorites, and the other is to practice gathering data and displaying results.People tend to think of insects a ...