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Jogo para reconhecer as formas geométricas e diferenciar entre cubo, prisma, cilindro e cone. Melhor visualizado no Internet Explorer

Pédalier: mécanisme composé principalement des pédales, des manivelles et du plateau permettant le mouvement d'une bicyclette. Voir plus

Pédalier - Dictionnaire Visuel - Copyright © 2005-20 ...

Crank gear: mechanism comprised mainly of pedals, cranks and a chain wheel that drives a bicycle. See more

Crank gear - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

To learn a calculating areas and volumes of three dimensions geometric bodies: tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, cube, etc.

The prism: Surface area and volume is a didactic content from Sangakoo. I ...