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Yikes! You’ve just spilled water all over the table! Never fear, there are paper towels nearby. As you clean up your mess you notice that water is spreading throughout the paper towel. What is going o ...

Water is essential for all living things, including plants. Vegetation relies on water in the ground surrounding its roots.After you’ve watered a wilted plant, you’ve probably noticed how the plant’s ...

In this experiment, we will find out whether we can create motion in a dish and as a result, create a wonderful and colorful show.sIt is an educational content by clicking on the titl ...

Have you ever seen a bug skate across the surface of water? This is made possible by the cohesion of water molecules on the surface of the water. When we say that water molecules are cohesive, we mean ...

Master the art of writing with our unit on writing techniques! Explore coherence, cohesion, adaptation, correction, and presentation of texts. Learn the communicative purpose of writing and utilize di ...

Master the art of writing with our dynamic unit! Explore the writing process through critical thinking and step-by-step techniques. Students will learn to identify text recipients, purposes, and types ...