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This project encourages the student to look for correlations between wind speed, temperature, and time of day in order to come up with an explanation about the origin of wind. The goal is to have the ...

Test marble and limestone to determine if acid rain can damage building or statue made of these .IntroductionIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, yo ...

The earth’s climate produces large scales difference in temperature and salinity in the oceans.Water circulation patterns in the ocean are driven by temperature and salinity differences, which transla ...

This project explores weather and climate control.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to downloa ...

Because we’re mammals, you and I are warmblooded. Turtles are reptiles, so unlike us, they’re coldblooded. A coldblooded reptile’s body temperature is only as warm as its surroundings are.Do you think ...

This project aims to tell the story of Earth’s disappearing wildlife, using transparency maps.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redir ...

Evaporation is the process of water transferring from a liquid to a gas and is the primary method for water to move into the atmosphere during the water cycle. Scientists believe that the earth’s ocea ...

Standard deviation is a statistic that tells you how closely a group of numbers (for example, temperatures) are clustered around a mean value (average temperature). When the standard deviation is smal ...

Though it is common knowledge that the average temperature increases as you move closer to the equator, many people do not understand why this is so. There are many reasons why the equatorial region e ...

The objedtive of this experiment is to find latitude, and to learn about geographic locations, and what this means in our lives.It is an educational content by clicking on the title o ...