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Although the use of coffee for ergogenic purposes is socially accepted, it is addictive. When consumed on a daily basis, the body develops a tolerance. With this addiction comes withdrawal syndrome: C ...

In this science fair project caffeine will be extracted from gunpowder green tea using dichloromethane and anhydrous sodium sulphate. The extracted caffeine will be validated by analysis with tannic a ...

Learn if coffee is an addiction.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the project, you ...

Explore the effect of caffein on plant growth, I planted, germinated, and grew mung beans. I introduced caffeine into the soil of some plants and evaluated the effects of caffeine on the experimental ...

Daphnia, otherwise known as water fleas, have a circulatory system similar to mammals. Most importantly, they have a chambered heart, which can be seen beating under a microscope. With a stopwatch and ...

Discover whether energy drinks really stimulates a person's ability to have more energy.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected ...