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Tumbling is a technique used for smoothing and polishing a rough surface on small particles. Professional rock polishers help jewelers polish stones by imitating the abrasion of rocks in nature. The n ...

The goal of this project is to simulate the capillary function within plant structure. The experiment procedure includes intervals for examining the results and tracking the journey of the moisture ov ...

The goal of this experiment is to record the spore prints left by a mushroom. Capturing these prints demonstrates how plants produce spores and allows students to view them.It is an educational conten ...

The goal of this project is to cultivate slime mold and observe the stages of its development. Varying the conditions of several dishes demonstrate the mold’s environmental requirements and reactions ...

The goal of this project is to reveal the vein structure or venation of leaves.The process of dissolving the soft plant tissue from leaves is a means of removing flesh, cleanly exposing vein patterns. ...

This project has two goals: one is to demonstrate that insects observe colors and choose favorites, and the other is to practice gathering data and displaying results.People tend to think of insects a ...

The goal of this project is to disprove the theory that decaying fruit gives birth to living organisms like insects.Instead, the project demonstrates that the rotting food attracts insects that lay eg ...

The goal of this project is to reveal that membranes can be semi-permeable—allow for the inward and outward flow of .Eggs offer students a tangible example of membranes.They also help students underst ...

The goal of this experiment is to demonstrate the way that external and internal physical characteristics contribute to an animal’s warmth.Animals with thick coats of fur and/or feathers and animals w ...