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The formation of stalagmites and stalactites happens through the capillary action between porous rocks and water rich in minerals. The rocks attract the water and the moisture accumulates until gravit ...

The goal of this project is to test whether cats have a preference for food, specifically organic. The label “organic” means that synthetic pesticides were not used on the ingredients in the food. Thi ...

Limestone is composed of tiny shells that fell to the ocean’s floor when sea creatures died. The pressure from other shells, the water and sand washing over them squashes the tiny shells together into ...

In this project, students will manipulate the amount of light that ants are exposed to as a means of discovering if light and dark affects ants’ productivity digging tunnels.It is an educational conte ...

The goals of this project are to explore the variety of webs that spiders weave and to collect specimens for identification. Based on the type of web, students can predict the species of spider.To gat ...

Carbon dioxide is the chemical compound that consists of two oxygen atoms bonded to a carbon atom. Carbon dioxide creates the bubbles in soda. The goal of this project is to explore the eruption of ca ...

All living things need water to survive, but not all water is the same. This experiment aims to discover if different types of water effect the germination of seeds and growth of plants.It is an educa ...

The soil composition in people’s backyards containsminute particles of magnetic material called rare-earth metals.Larger quantities of rare-earth metals lie in deep underground.The particles belong to ...

A bird’s feathers are more than mere decoration. In addition to insulation and flight, feathers help birds stay afloat on bodies of water. A feather has a hollow shaft and interlocking barbs that form ...

The purpose of this project is to test sunscreens from the lowest number to the highest.People depend on sunscreen to protect their skin from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.People believe that a high ...