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Have you ever bitten into an apple, set it down for a few moments, and found that it has turned brown? This is caused by an enzyme (polyphenol oxidase and catechol oxidase are two common examples) tha ...

Have you ever tried to shut the car door on a warm, dry day and experienced a small shock of electricity? How about rubbing your shoes along a carpeted floor to shock your friends or family members? H ...

Horizontal projectile motion is one of the most basic examples of classical physics. Gravity is a force that causes acceleration towards the center of the Earth at 9.81 m/s2. This causes objects that ...

Energy comes in many forms. Electric energy can be converted into useful work, or mechanical energy, by machines called electric motors. Electric motors work due to electromagnetic interactions: the i ...

A hurricane, also called a typhoon or cyclone, is a common name for a tropical cyclone, which is a spinning storm system originating over water having wind speeds of over 118 km/hour or 73 miles/hour! ...

Tensile strength is the largest amount of force that can be applied to an object being stretched or pulled until it breaks. Tensile strength can be a useful property of a material. For example, fishin ...

Planets are generally spherical because of gravity. The gravitational force created by a massive celestial body (a planet-sized body) attracts surrounding things towards its center. Gravity is relativ ...

A solution is a liquid mixture with two or more components. The liquid part of the mixture is called the solvent, and the smaller dissolved part of the mixture is called the solute. Solutions are assu ...

Have you ever gone to make a sandwich only to discover that the last two slices of bread have mold on them? We are always told to use soaps and hand sanitizers to clean our hands of tiny organisms, bu ...

How fast does light travel, and does it travel faster in water or air? The fastest thing in the whole universe is the speed of light in a vacuum (like outer space!), clocking in at a great 2.99 x 108 ...