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The Power of Conformity: The Asch Experiment

How does conforming help us to survive? This project replicates a famous experiment conducted by social psychologist Solomon Asch in the 1950s, which reveals how easily people can be influenced by others, even to the point of not believing their own eyes. Compare your results to Asch's, and when discussing your results, try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of conforming.Why would humans have an evolved tendency to conform? What might be some disadvantages to conforming?

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Auteur Peggy LaCerra, Ph.D.

Catégories 16-18 años, 14-16 años, Ficha para imprimir, Ciencias Sociales, Experimento/Práctica, Science Fair - Education, Inglés add

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Date de publication 27 / 08 / 2020

Licence La licence originale de la ressource est respectée.



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The Power of Conformity: The Asch Experiment
