Dive into the fascinating world of the digestive system with this interactive learning unit! Explore its parts, functions, and the journey of food through our bodies. Discover how the digestive and excretory systems work together, answering questions like how food is transformed, where nutrients are absorbed, and why food hygiene matters. Perfect for young learners aged 8-12, with engaging activities and resources to enhance understanding.
This resource contains:
SCI.U17.01. The digestive system. Introduction
SCI.U17.02. The digestive system. The structure of the digestive system
SCI.U17.03. The digestive system. The excretory system
SCI.U17.04. The digestive system. The digestion process
SCI.U17.05. The digestive system. The connection between the digestive, circulatory and excretory systems
SCI.U17.06. The digestive system. Health and the immune system
SCI.U17.07. The digestive system. Check out how the kidneys work
SCI.U17.08. The digestive system. Assessment
SCI.U17.09. The digestive system. Summary
Auteur profuturo
Catégories 8-10 años, Secuencia didáctica, Biología, ProFuturo, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add
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Date de publication 20 / 07 / 2020
Licence La licence originale de la ressource est respectée.
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