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The Computer and Its Resources

Empower children with essential computer literacy! This unit covers computer basics, internet usage, and image manipulation, fostering digital skills crucial for today's world. Students will learn to navigate technology effectively, enhancing their ability to research, communicate, and create content. Tailor activities to suit your classroom's needs for a comprehensive learning experience.






This resource contains:

TEC.U04.01. The Computer and Its Resources. Introduction
TEC.U04.02. The Computer and Its Resources. What a Computer Consists of
TEC.U04.03. The Computer and Its Resources. Using the Internet for Searching and Research
TEC.U04.04. The Computer and Its Resources. Playing with Images
TEC.U04.05. The Computer and Its Resources. How to Use the Internet
TEC.U04.06. The Computer and Its Resources. Assessment
TEC.U04.07. The Computer and Its Resources. Summary

The Computer and Its Resources

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Auteur profuturo

Catégories 6-8 años, Tecnología de la Información, Secuencia didáctica, ProFuturo, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add

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Date de publication 20 / 07 / 2020

Licence La licence originale de la ressource est respectée.



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