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Baseball Science Fair Project: Center of Percussion

Hitting a baseball with a bat is said to be one of the most difficult things to do in sports. The ball comes at you at speeds exceeding 80 mph, and as the ball travels from the pitcher’s mound to home plate, you have about a quarter of a second to decide what to do. When you do strike the ball with the bat, you’ll want to do so at the sweet spot—the point on a baseball bat where the hit feels good, the crack of the bat fills the park, and the ball sails off deep into the outfield.What is the sweet spot? Is it just a myth, or is there actually something to the idea? In this project, you’re going to try and find the legendary sweet spot and see what physics can tell us about the perfect hit.Learn how the sweet spot correlates with movement and vibration.

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Auteur Christopher Crockett

Catégories Ficha para imprimir, Experimento/Práctica, 12-14 años, Science Fair - Education, Educación física, Inglés add

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Date de publication 27 / 08 / 2020

Licence La licence originale de la ressource est respectée.



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Baseball Science Fair Project: Center of Percussion
