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Bacteria, fungi and viruses

Dive into the world of microorganisms with our engaging learning unit on Bacteria, Fungi, and Viruses! Explore the characteristics and importance of these tiny organisms while unraveling their implications for human health. From understanding the differences between bacteria, fungi, and viruses to recognizing their roles as both beneficial and harmful agents, students will gain valuable insights into the microbial world. Join us on this educational journey today!






This resource contains:

SCI.U38.01. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Introduction 
SCI.U38.02. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Bacteria
SCI.U38.03. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Fungi
SCI.U38.04. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. The life of fungi
SCI.U38.05. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Viruses
SCI.U38.06. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Microorganisms that are beneficial and harmful to human health
SCI.U38.07. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Transmission of pathogens and prevention of contagion risk
SCI.U38.08. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. The observation of moulds
SCI.U38.09. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Assessment
SCI.U38.10. Bacteria, fungi and viruses. Summary 

Bacteria, fungi and viruses

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