Toute la communauté

211 - 217

Explore the fascinating journey of communication evolution! From ancient methods to modern technology, this unit delves into telecommunication milestones like the telegraph, telephone, and internet. T ...

Empower children with essential computer literacy! This unit covers computer basics, internet usage, and image manipulation, fostering digital skills crucial for today's world. Students will learn ...

Discover the fascinating world of machines with our engaging unit! From simple tools to complex inventions, children explore the history and function of machines, fostering critical thinking and probl ...

Explore the evolution of communication throughout history! From ancient gestures to modern digital platforms, this unit delves into the ways humans have connected over time. Help students reflect on p ...

Explore our technology course module, designed to integrate seamlessly into your curriculum! With 4 units covering ICT principles, equipment familiarization, and responsible tech use, students gain va ...

Con esta aplicación puedes producir mapas conceptuales rápida y fácilmente. Compartirlos con amigos y colegas para trabajar en sus ideas. Da igual que estés tomando notas, ...

Kahoot es una herramienta que ayuda al profesorado a integrar el juego y la gamificación dentro del aula para fomentar la satisfacción, atención y el compromiso con el aprendizaje ...