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Determine how many times you can fold a piece of paper in half, and if the size and thickness of the paper has an effect on the process.It is an educational content by clicking on the ...

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. Oftentimes you can find the mass of any object using a pan balance and can be measured in grams or kilograms. Density is the amount of mass a substance has i ...

Germination is when a plant seed starts to sprout. A seed needs oxygen, water, certain temperatures, and energy to germinate.Purpose: The purpose of my project was to determine which type of seed woul ...

Rocks are not only changed by water, wind, and ice but can also be changed by chemicals. Chemical weathering is the process by which the actual minerals that rocks are made of are changed. Chemical we ...

This experiment is done in three steps. First you'll want to see if shading your "house" will keep it cooler. Then you'll want to see if painting the "house" different colors outside affects the tempe ...

Leaves provide food and air to help a plant stay healthy and grow. Through photosynthesis, leaves turn light energy into food. Through pores, or stomata, leaves “breathe” in carbon dioxide and “breath ...

Ce projet a été conduit par les élèves de la classe triple niveau (CE2-CM1-CM2) de Jessica Viala, à l'école "Le Micocoulier" à Margon. A ...

Le monde construit par l'Homme est vaste mais sous différents vocables « appareils », « objets technique usuels », « maquettes » il s'agit progressiv ...

Ce travail se place dans le cadre d'un projet sur le thème de la pollution des sols et du recyclage des déchets réunissant 9 classes, en partenariat avec l'Ecole des scien ...

En prolongement d’une classe-découverte sur le Moyen-Age et dans le cadre de l’ASTEP, 33 élèves de deux classes (une ULIS et l’autre CE2/CM1) de l'école Henri Puis de St-Orens-de-Gameville, accompagné ...