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5271 - 5280

You'll learn the concept of similarity. First you'll see the Theorem of Thales to elaborate on the meaning of similarity to the triangles (rectangles and not rectangles) and end up with the co ...

You'll learn to work with inequalities and inequations.

Introduction and properties of inequations is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teaching materials for Mathematic ...

You will learn an introduction to the field of probability: The definitions and basic notions to solve problems, operations between events and the rule of Laplace.

Definition of probability, sample spa ...

You will learn to solve simple equations of first degree and problems whose statements can be formulated as linear equations of first degree.

Definition and how to solve linear equations is a didactic ...

You'll learn to calculate the inverse matrix using two different methods. You will also learn the meaning of the rank of a matrix and how to calculate it.

Inverse matrix using determinants is a did ...

You'll learn the concept of natural number divisors, prime number and descomposition of a number in prime factors.

Prime and composite numbers is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you ...

You'll learn the concept of the factorial of a number, and then define what they are combinatorial numbers studying in detail their most important properties.

The factorial of a number is a didacti ...

You'll learn multiply and divide fractions, and the basic properties of these operations. So you can understand the meaning of equivalent fractions and from there define the different classes of e ...

You will learn the definition of power and exponent, and you will come across some interesting examples that will help you through the learning process.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can ...

You'll learn some systems of numberation such as the decimal one, the binary one and the hexadecimal one. For that purpose, you will be given some interesting examples in order to improve the lear ...