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Utiliza esta calculadora de divisiones, para resolver la división entre dos numeros ya sean naturales o decimales, mostrando además el tipo de división (exacta o inexacta) el tota ...

Desde Noticias de uso didáctico nos llega una propuesta que utiliza diversas páginas web y utilidades TIC para trabajar el tema del Templo de Hércules de Cádiz (Españ ...

Wir stellen Ihnen einen nützlichen Online-Dreisatzrechner vor, mit dem Sie direkte und inverse Dreisatzsätze erstellen können, sowohl einfache als auch zusammengesetzte Regeln.

Podzielę się doskonałym narzędziem obliczeniowym. Jest to kalkulator pierwiastków online, przydatny zarówno dla uczniów, jak i nauczycieli.

É hora de aprender ! Neste roteiro vamos conhecer o funcionamento, funções e os cuidados na hora de utilizar os equipamentos tecnológicos. Vamos também reconhecer os ...

Out of batteries?That’s OK.Now you can print out fresh ones!Well…maybe not quite yet.For those unfamiliar with this exciting new technology, it’s hard to even imagine a working, rechargeable battery t ...

In this project you will find out which lubricant has the most effect on the mechanical advantage of a pulle, and which one comes closest to the calculated mechanical advantage. Plus you will investig ...

Students will learn the difference between additive and subtractive color and how they handle differently by trying to reproduce color in a magazine and color from a computer screen. The distinction b ...

Buying and selling real estate is coming back in style these days. However, most real estate websites lack certain useful features that would make the potential buyer's search more flexible, and the s ...

Design an architectural structure using live trees. The goals of this project are: To explore the possibilities of live trees in architecture. To promote greener living.It is an educational content by ...