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Students will use a bomb calorimeter to measure and calculate the amount of energy (calories) within various foods. What is the amount of heat absorbed by the water? How much energy is in each food sa ...

Find out if falling objects dropped from a higher distance will hit a greater impact force than the same object dropped from a lower distance.It is an educational content by clicking ...

The goal of these experiments is to learn about how the angle of incidence affects the efficiency of solar cells.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource ...

The point of this project is to determine exactly how much of an effect road grade has upon a cyclist’s speed and to determine if the effect follows a predictable mathematical trend.It is an education ...

Design and build a portable double-slit interference demonstration. The goals of this project are: To understand double-slit interference. To make the demonstration of this effect more ac ...

See if an LED light can be powered by vegetables and/or fruits.The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether there is enough energy stored in a fruit or a vegetable to power an LED light. Thi ...

Ffind out why musical notes are at the exact pitch they are. The purpose of this experiment is to learn if there is a reason that musical notes are at the pitches they are. This experiment is designe ...

Imagine you’re installing a new array of solar panels for an energy-conscious company in California. You want the largest amount of sunlight possible to reach the panels. The panels are fixed, so you ...

Electrical resistance, denoted by R, is the total opposition to the passage of electric current, or the flow of electrons. Resistance depends on the material, area, and length of what the current is p ...

In this experiment, you will find out how human error can cause faults in any science task. This includes experiments conducted by famous scientists also.It is an educational content by ...