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Spiders react to a vibration in their web by approaching the area to see whether a prey has been caught. This science project tests whether the frequency with which the object hits the web affects how ...

The goal of this evaporationexperimentis to learn about rate of evaporation and how different external conditions affect drying time.IntroductionIt is an educational content by clicki ...

Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? The tortoise and the hare decided to have a race. Everybody, most of all the hare, thought the hare would win the race because he hopped much fa ...

Today, nearly all households own a microwave. They provide ease in cooking as speeds are usually really fast and it is convenient to just pop food inside such a small appliance and have it come out re ...

Every day, the Sun rises in the east, rides across the sky, and sets in the west. Once upon a time, people thought gods like Apollo carried the Sun on a chariot. But as it turns out, the Sun doesn’t m ...

This is a simple experiment to teach young ones that time always passes at the same rate and nothing we do in our daily life “really” affects how fast it moves.It is an educational content by educatio ...

There is a common saying that, “Time flies when you’re having fun?” For many people the sensing of the passage of time is affected by the activities that they are engaged in. For one person, an activi ...

Investigate the difference in reaction times between boys and girls.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If y ...

Being a child is like starting a book.In the first five pages of a new book, you are trying to understand what world you have entered, how the characters relate to one another, and what the writing st ...

This project monitors the strength of solar UV radiation during the day.The goal of the experiment is to have the student test a hypothesis about the way UV radiation varies throughout the day by coll ...