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Magicians can do all kinds of neat stuff, like pulling rabbits out of hats and making objects mysteriously disappear. Science is even more powerful! For this science fair project, you’re going to see ...

The eye and brain are both easily fooled. There are many kinds of optical illusions. Some involve color and/or contrast. Others use perceived shapes. Still more require the image to move to create the ...

Examine the human “blind spot.” The goals of this project are: To do a study of blind spots. To create a demonstration that illustrates and explains blind spots in human perception.It is an educati ...

Glasses and contact lenses refract rays of light so that they are focused on a person’s retina. This science project demonstrates visually how glass can refract light rays. It is an educational ...

Estructuras de la parte posterior del ojo: Organo de la vista compuesto principalmente de los papardos, des pestanas, de glandula lacrimal y del globo ocular. Ver más

Estructuras de la parte posterior ...

Structure de la partie postérieure de l'oeil: Organe de la vue composé principalement des paupières, des cils, de la glande lacrymale et du globe oculaire. Voir plus

Structure de la partie posté ...

Structure of the posterior part of the eye: part of the organ of sight comprised principally of the eyelids, the eyelashes, the lachrymal gland and the eyeball. See more

Structure of the posterior part ...

¿Cómo vemos los diseños y los colores cuando éstos se mueven rápidamente frente a nuestros ojos? Con esta actividad los niños pueden hacer sus propias peonzas ...