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Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist and philosopher of the late 1600’s, spent many years trying to come up with codified rules that describe how all stuff in the universe behaves. In the experiment below, w ...

Horizontal projectile motion is one of the most basic examples of classical physics. Gravity is a force that causes acceleration towards the center of the Earth at 9.81 m/s2. This causes objects that ...

Steam, which is the gaseous version of water, can be used to power trains, lights in buildings, and your very own model boat! Learn how to make a steam powered rocket boat to see Sir Isaac Newton's th ...

Newton’s third law is abstract, and can be hard for people to understand without seeing it visually. This science project demonstrates how each action (the movement of the water out of the carton) has ...

Only the force of gravity influences objects in free-fall. If we were to drop a quarter and feather 6’ above the ground theoretically they should fall with the same speed and hit the ground at the sam ...

If you’ve ever watched a football game, you may have wondered: When two players collide at the same speed, why is it possible for one player to knock the other player back? The reason has to do with t ...

The People's Physics Book v3 is intended to be used as one small part of a multifaceted strategy to teach physics conceptually and mathematically.

It is an educational content of CK-12 Foundation (to a ...

You'll learn an algorithm and a method for calculating combinatorial numbers: Newton's binomial and Pascal's triangle.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 ...

Aprende que es el Binomio de Newton y a resolver ecuaciones sencillas en las que aparecen factoriales o números combinatorios.

Binomio de Newton y triángulo de Pascal es un contenido did& ...