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How do living cells interact with the environment around them? All living things possess catalysts, or substances within them that speed up chemical reactions and processes. Enzymes are molecules that ...

Did you know that you eat live bacteria? You do! Well, if you eat yogurt, that is. Yogurt is made from milk and bacteria called “yogurt cultures.” Did you think bacteria would taste so good? There are ...

Optics is a branch of physics that studies the interactions of light with objects. Microscopes, cameras and other transparent “looking devices” use lenses to change the way we see objects. Using magni ...

Delve into the fascinating world of microbiology, exploring unseen organisms crucial for life on Earth. Learn about microscopes, freshwater and saltwater microscopic life, and the prevention of diseas ...

Connaître et comprendre le microscope comme un instrument qui augmente les êtres microscopiques.

Connaître les organismes microscopiques que vivent dans l'eau douce en les obs ...