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Hard water refers to the presence of dissolved ions, mainly of calcium Ca2+ and magnesium Mg2+ which are acquired through contact with rocks such as limestone and dolomite which contain calcium and ma ...

Safety: Do not ingest the substances used in this projectSome substances when dissolvedin water to produce a solution will conduct an electrical current. Such substances produce ions when dissolved in ...

Determine whether it is possible to identify a compound by using a flame test.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the con ...

In this experiment you will use a spectrometer to analyze the patterns of light emitted by burning ion solutions.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource ...

During the process of learning how different types of smoke detectors work, students will learn about ions, every day applications of radiations and how particulate matter in the air can disrupt sensi ...

Test water to tell if it has salt content without having to drink it first. Is there salt in your water? You can easily test this doing a simple science fair experiment. Salt acts as a conductor. That ...

En esta unidad se hará un estudio de las cargas eléctricas en reposo, las relaciones entre ellas y la modificación que una carga crea en el espacio así como la energí ...

En esta unidad de química (nivel 2º Bachillerato) se tratarán conceptos relacionados con la producción de corriente eléctrica por reacciones redox: pilas, potenciales ...

Comenzamos con el repaso de la clasificación de los elementos. Aprenderemos el concepto de enlace químico, y a escribir y nombrar algunas sustancias.Para acabar, el cálculo de la ...