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Every human on earth is a combination of two sets of genes: your mother’s and your father’s. These genes created a blueprint for you, and they make you unique. Genes lead to different traits, or chara ...

Observe dominant and recessive traits in angelfish.The purpose of this experiment is show experimentally that two fish with heterozygous genes for color will produce offspring that of which 50% show t ...

The science of genetics began when Gregor Mendel noticed that biological variations are inherited from parent organisms as specific, discrete traits. In this project you will define and illustrate the ...

Breeding different types of fancy guppies reveals a combination of traits in the offspring, such as their color and appearance. Guppies are great for learning about genetics because they are affordabl ...

This experiment serves to provide students with the opportunity to engage in an experiment that combines knowledge from both biology and chemistry and yields practical applications to our daily lives. ...

Learn the basic structure of a DNA strand, which is the double helix, how genes form together, and the resemblance DNA has to a twisted ladder.It is an educational content by clicking ...

Are you a square or a rectangle? You can figure it out by measuring your height and the length between your fingertips when you spread your arms apart. If these measurements are almost equal, you’re a ...

There’s about to be a baby boom! In this experiment, you’ll draw marbles from two different cups to create a really big pretend family of boys and girls.How did you become a boy or a girl? It happened ...

Have you ever noticed that some people shake a lot of salt on their food while others prefer none at all? Penn State University conducted a study to try to understand why some people like more salt th ...

In this experiment, we will find out if the ability to wink is genetic and also whether the “dominant” eye is also genetic or based on chance.IntroductionIt is an educational content by ...