
11 - 17

You'll learn to work with the elementary functions: constant function, linear and affine.

Constant function, Linear function and Affine function is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space y ...

You'll learn the concept of real function, to work different features (monotony, extreme, symmetry, periodicity, ...),to analyze the different aspects from two points of view: analytical and graph ...

You'll learn to study Polynomial functions, Constant function, Affine function, Quadratic function, Rational functions, Irrational functions, Exponential functions, Logarithmic functions and Funct ...

You'll learn the basics about increasing and decreasing functions, as well as their maximums and minimums.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master ...

You'll learn how to identify and analyze the concavity and convexity of a function, as well as the inflection points of it.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 ex ...

You learn concepts for the derivatives calculus and the rules for deriving exponential functions, logarithmic and potential as well as rules to derive a composition of functions or the chain rule.

Deri ...

You'll learn the concept of the limit of a function in a point. After that, you'll learn its properties and to calculate the limits when we tend x to a fixed point or to infinity.

At the end of ...