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In this experiment we observe the expansion of liquids when frozen (changed into a solid) and determine if some liquids expand more than others when frozen.It is an educational content by ...

Wanna see a magic trick? Magicians always make their tricks look like supernatural phenomena. But scientists can do “magic” tricks with explanations that are almost as cool as the tricks themselves.In ...

In this experiment, we will discover whether leaving a computer on 24/7 will lead to more frequent crashes, freezes, and an overall slower processing speed. We will be experimenting with 2 brand new, ...

Find out whether plants can survive being frozen.The purpose of this experiment is to expose plants to freezing temperatures at various stages of their development. The plants will then be evaluated a ...

In many parts of the world, winter temperatures drop low enough to make rivers and lakes freeze. And in those same parts of the world, where even those waters freeze, the ocean waters will not. Think ...