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Geographic changes are changes in the earth's landscape such as the drying up of rivers or changes in plant growth. Geographic changes usually happen over great lengths of time. Factors contributing t ...

Determine whether mass and weight are the same or differentIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want t ...

This investigation explores the position of Earth in relation to the sun and compares sunset times and sunrise times over a period of three months to determine if there are fluctuations in the rising ...

A common misconception is that explorers like Columbus sailed to sea to prove that the earth is not flat. It has been known for thousands of years that not only is the earth NOT flat, but its circumfe ...

The greenhouse effect is the trapping of heat in the atmosphere. Without the gases in the air, heat from the sun would bounce back into space. Too much gas in the air causes too much heat to be absorb ...

Though it is common knowledge that the average temperature increases as you move closer to the equator, many people do not understand why this is so. There are many reasons why the equatorial region e ...

Every day, the Sun rises in the east, rides across the sky, and sets in the west. Once upon a time, people thought gods like Apollo carried the Sun on a chariot. But as it turns out, the Sun doesn’t m ...

Long ago, many people believed the world was flat. Explorers who loved geography—studying the earth—eventually proved it was round. As people learned more and more about what the world looked like, th ...

The goal of this experiment is to discover if soil with more organic material absorbs moisture better than soil with less organic material. Gardens that use the right amount of organic material might ...

This project investigates how to determine the speed of earth’s rotation. Using simple protractors and meter sticks the goal for this experiment is to measure the rate of angular change as the earth r ...