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How many times have gone to the fridge for a drink, only to find that your favorite cans aren’t in there? It’s 90 degrees out and you’re thirsty! Now, you’ve got to find the fastest way possible to ch ...

This project will examine which type of insulation holds in the most heat. We will compare the effectiveness of styrofoam coolers, traditional coolers, and insulated bags.It is an educational content ...

Heat energy is constantly being transferred from one substance to another. Heat energy always moves from the hotter material to the colder material. When you hold an ice cube, it might feel like the c ...

This project will acquaint students with basic knowledge on conditions which determine the cooling and melting processes of water.It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

Have you ever wondered why oil heats up so quickly in a pan, but water takes so long to boil?Heat, which is the exchange of energy between a system and its surroundings, occurs in three major ways: co ...