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Find out the circumference of the earth using the shadow of the sun.The purpose of this experiment is to see if the distance around the earth can be measured using shadows.It is an educational content ...

The goals of this experiment involve analyzing different aspects of projectile motions. In a first set of experiments, you evaluate how the mass of an arrow affects the distance an arrow travels. In a ...

We will be observing the condition of various blossoms over a two-week period to determine which flower lasts the longest.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this ...

This experiment demonstrates the conservation and transfer of energy.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If ...

Find out what will make a baseball travel the farthest. The purpose of this experiment is to use baseball bats that are made out of a variety of to find out whether the material of the bat affects t ...

This project investigates how to determine the speed of earth’s rotation. Using simple protractors and meter sticks the goal for this experiment is to measure the rate of angular change as the earth r ...

This science project will allow you to find your own latitude by building an astrolabe, which measures the angle between the North Star and the horizon.It is an educational content by ...

To learn to identify the different types of angles and basic operations (addition, subtraction and bisector of an angle) you can do between them.

Definition of an angle and noteworthy angles is a didac ...

You'll learn how to measure an angle. For that purpose, you will be given some examples.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master this subject.

Measu ...

You'll learn the different equations of the straight line in the plane, their relative positions, to calculate the angle between two straight lines and distance.

Relative positions between straight ...