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Test marble and limestone to determine if acid rain can damage building or statue made of these .IntroductionIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, yo ...

The project looks for a correlation between the pH values of commercial soaps and detergents and manufacturer claims about their potentials to cause eye irritation. The goal is to have the student for ...

Battery companies market their products by making impressive claims about how durable and reliable their batteries are. But which battery lasts the longest? Will a more expensive, brand name battery r ...

Batteries make our lives portable. In other words, we can take things such as mp3 players, cell phones, digital cameras, and game consoles around to anywhere in the world. There are many kinds of batt ...

Cleaning can be a chore, but not with this sudsy experiment! Get excited for scrubbing with a project that lets you mix and create your very own soap. Do you think you're enough of a chemistry whiz to ...

Even though every type of soil has the potential to stain clothes and dirty fingernails, a clever soil sleuth can find subtle differences when equipped with a soil test kit and a healthy amount of cur ...

It is a very simple experiment to find out which brand of batteries have the longest life. Also we will discover whether rechargeable batteries provide devices with a longer continuous uptime than reg ...