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The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s

Discover the secrets of Earth's lithosphere and crustal changes! Learn about the Earth's layers, tectonic plate movements, erosion, and volcanic activity. Explore the formation of rocks and understand the dynamic processes shaping our planet. Start your journey of geological exploration today!







This resource contains:

SCI.U45.01. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. Introduction 
SCI.U45.02. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. Structure of the Earth
SCI.U45.03. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. Internal changes. Tectonic plates
SCI.U45.04. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. External changes. Geological agents
SCI.U45.05. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. How does the Earth's relief form?
SCI.U45.06. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. Rock formation
SCI.U45.07. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. Let's make a volcano
SCI.U45.08. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. Assessment 
SCI.U45.09. The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s. Summary 

The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s

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The lithosphere and changes in the earth´s
