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Study of Animals

Explore the fascinating world of animals: Learn characteristics, coverings, movement and respect. Foster a deep understanding of living beings, their diverse coverings, movement types, and the importance of respecting animals and their environment. Develop essential 21st-century skills and personal responsibility.







This resource contains:

SCI.U04.01. Study of Animals. Introduction
SCI.U04.02. Study of Animals. Living Beings
SCI.U04.03. Study of Animals. The Body of Animals
SCI.U04.04. Study of Animals. The Diet of Animals
SCI.U04.05. Study of Animals. The Classification of Animals
SCI.U04.06. Study of Animals. The Sable Antelope
SCI.U04.07. Study of Animals. Respect for Animals
SCI.U04.08. Study of Animals. Assessment
SCI.U04.09. Study of Animals. Summary

Study of Animals

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Autor profuturo

Categorías 6-8 años, Secuencia didáctica, Biología, ProFuturo, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add

Etiquetas add

Fecha de publicación 20 / 07 / 2020

Licencia Se respeta la licencia original del recurso.



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