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Sources of information

Discover the art of effective information retrieval in our engaging unit on sources of information. From mastering search techniques to discerning reliable sources, students delve into vital skills like critical thinking and responsible information use. Explore libraries, online search engines, and more, connecting teaching with real-world research. Empower students to navigate the vast landscape of human knowledge confidently, fostering independent thinking and global competence. Start your learning journey today!





This resource contains:

LIN.U31.01. Sources of information. Introduction
LIN.U31.02. Sources of information. Searching for information
LIN.U31.03. Sources of information. Selecting information
LIN.U31.04. Sources of information. Libraries
LIN.U31.05. Sources of information. Finding a book in the library
LIN.U31.06. Sources of information. Reference works
LIN.U31.07. Sources of information. Dictionaries
LIN.U31.08. Sources of information. Online search engines
LIN.U31.09. Sources of information. Test yourself: Sources of Information
LIN.U31.10. Sources of information. Summary: Sources of information

Sources of information

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