Unlock the secrets of Scientific Research and Method! Explore the scientific method, research techniques, and the contributions of influential scientists. From hypothesis formulation to data collection, develop essential research skills and enhance your understanding of the scientific process. Dive into this dynamic learning unit today!
This resource contains:
SCI.U43.01. Scientific research and method. Introduction
SCI.U43.02. Scientific research and method. The scientific method
SCI.U43.03. Scientific research and method. Sciences and research methods
SCI.U43.04. Scientific research and method. Men and women of science
SCI.U43.05. Scientific research and method. Hypothesis formulation
SCI.U43.06. Scientific research and method. Instruments and methods for collecting information
SCI.U43.07. Scientific research and method. We are scientific researchers
SCI.U43.08. Scientific research and method. Assessment
SCI.U43.09. Scientific research and method. Summary
Autor profuturo
Categorias Ciencias Naturales, Secuencia didáctica, 10-12 años, ProFuturo, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add
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Fecha de publicación 20 / 07 / 2020
Licencia Se respeta la licencia original del recurso.
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