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Representation of the Earth

Explore the art of representing our planet in this engaging learning unit! Discover the history and techniques behind mapping the Earth, from cardinal points to global coordinates. Perfect for ages 8-12, with hands-on activities to enhance understanding and foster spatial awareness. Unveil the mysteries of cartography and unlock the secrets of orientation in nature.







This resource contains:

SCI.U21.01. Representation of the Earth. Introduction 
SCI.U21.02. Representation of the Earth. Orientation and the cardinal points
SCI.U21.03. Representation of the Earth. The globe of the Earth
SCI.U21.04. Representation of the Earth. Cartography and maps
SCI.U21.05. Representation of the Earth. Geographic coordinates
SCI.U21.06. Representation of the Earth. Physical map of the world
SCI.U21.07. Representation of the Earth. Let's make a map
SCI.U21.08. Representation of the Earth. Assessment 
SCI.U21.09. Representation of the Earth. Summary

Representation of the Earth

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Autor profuturo

Categorias Geografía, 8-10 años, Secuencia didáctica, ProFuturo, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add

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Fecha de publicación 20 / 07 / 2020

Licencia Se respeta la licencia original del recurso.



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Representation of the Earth
