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Relating experiences

Explore the art of storytelling with our unit on personal experiences! Delve into diaries, biographies, interviews, travel books, and blogs to understand how narratives shape our lives. Learn the power of first-person narrative, hone your writing skills, and discover the richness of oral and written expression. Join us as we journey through the intricacies of storytelling, fostering linguistic, social, and emotional competencies along the way. Uncover the magic of narrative and craft your own tales with confidence!





This resource contains:

LIN.U45.01. Relating experiences. Introduction
LIN.U45.02. Relating experiences. Narrating experiences
LIN.U45.03. Relating experiences. First-person narrative
LIN.U45.04. Relating experiences. Diaries
LIN.U45.05. Relating experiences. Biographies
LIN.U45.06. Relating experiences. Interviews
LIN.U45.07. Relating experiences. Travel books
LIN.U45.08. Relating experiences. Blogs
LIN.U45.09. Relating experiences. Test yourself
LIN.U45.10. Relating experiences. Summary

Relating experiences

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