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Properties and states of matter

Explore the world of matter with our engaging digital resource! From understanding the basic properties of matter to exploring changes in its states, students delve into the fundamental concepts of mass, volume, density, and more. Interactive activities and hands-on experiments bring learning to life, empowering students to grasp complex scientific concepts with ease. Perfect for classroom use, our resource helps students connect theoretical knowledge with real-world examples for a deeper understanding of the properties and states of matter!




This resource contains:

SCI.U28.01. Properties and states of matter. Introduction 
SCI.U28.02. Properties and states of matter. What is matter?
SCI.U28.03. Properties and states of matter. General and specific properties of matter
SCI.U28.04. Properties and states of matter. How do we measure matter?
SCI.U28.05. Properties and states of matter. The changes of matter
SCI.U28.06. Properties and states of matter. Physical changes and chemical changes
SCI.U28.07. Properties and states of matter. Playing with density
SCI.U28.08. Properties and states of matter. Assessment 
SCI.U28.09. Properties and states of matter. Summary 

Properties and states of matter

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