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Atwood Machine and Newton’s 2nd Law

An Atwood Machine is a very simple device invented by George Atwood in 1794 as a way to demonstrate Newton’s Laws of Motion. Newton’s Second Law of Motion says that the force required to move something equals the object’s mass times it’s rate of acceleration: F = ma. When Earth’s gravity is the force, you use 9.8 m/s2 for a. This is gravitational acceleration, the rate at which gravity pulls everything towards the center of the Earth.You can rewrite Newton’s Second Law to solve for acceleration by dividing both sides by m: a = F / m.Acceleration is just what happens when you push on a mass, m, with a force, F.In this project, you’re going to build an Atwood Machine and see this law in action. You will use the Atwood Machine to verify for yourself the acceleration due to gravity.

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Autor Christopher Crockett

Categorías Ficha para imprimir, Experimento/Práctica, Física, 12-14 años, Science Fair - Education, Inglés add

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Fecha de publicación 27 / 08 / 2020

Licencia Se respeta la licencia original del recurso.



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