
21 - 30

You'll learn to operate with numbers expressed in sexagesimal system, to convert them from sexagesimals into decimals and vice versa. You will also learn to convert sexagesimal degrees into radian ...

You'll learn to identify the set of integer numbers and basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, power and square root.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can pr ...

To learn to calculate areas and perimeters of the rhomboid.

The rhomboid is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teaching materials for Mathematics in Spanish, Catalan and Engl ...

You'll learn the algorithms needed to solve a quadratic equations in the most general case, as well as the formula that allow to construct a quadratic equation while knowing the value of the solut ...

You'll learn the definition of natural, integers, rational and real numbers. By analysing these categories will learn to realize the main operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and divi ...

You'll learn the concepts of proportional quantities and the fundamental rules of proportionality that allow us to solve problems whose statements pose some difficulty.

Proportional distributions: ...

You'll learn statistical concepts such as mode, median and range.

The mode is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teaching materials for Mathematics in Spanish, Catalan an ...

You'll learn the concept of polynomial, the basics of algebraic calculation. You'll also learn basic operations with monomials and polynomials, as well as some of their more remarkable propier ...

You'll learn the concept of similarity. First you'll see the Theorem of Thales to elaborate on the meaning of similarity to the triangles (rectangles and not rectangles) and end up with the co ...

You'll learn to work with inequalities and inequations.

Introduction and properties of inequations is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teaching materials for Mathematic ...