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Investigate if heat from direct sunlight is hotter than heat from reflected sunlight.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

Demonstrate that light travels in straight lines. Experiment with reflecting light.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to th ...

Air pressure is the amount of air being forced against a surface. It's the reason why planes, birds and insects fly. It's the reason why balloons and bubbles float. In this project we find surprising ...

In this experiment, students will find out whether a plastic slinky works as well as a metal slinky when “walking it down the stairs." What causes the “walk down the stairs” slinky trick to workIt is ...

Students will examine how passive solar heating works by measuring the temperature within a parked car on a sunny day.From this experiment students can think of ways to use passive solar heating as an ...

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“Ellas hacen historia: cuadernillo para col ...

En este documento se encuentran las instrucciones para el profesorado de un experimento eléctrico compuesto por dos apartados:

Experimento parcial A5.1 Células solares

Experimento parc ...

Experimento de física sobre flotabilidad realizado con una tuerca, tres globos pequeños y una botella de plástico con agua.

Dispones de la explicación completa en la ficha d ...

Construye un monigote equilibrista. Materiales: un bote de plástico cilíndrico con tapadera, un trozo dealambre, algunas tuercas, alicates y un monigote de papel.

Dispones de la explicaci ...

En este documento se encuentran las instrucciones para el profesorado de un experimento eléctrico: La pregunta guía para realizar el experimento es: ¿Qué ocurre si la pila ...