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Determine which room in your house has the greatest number of bacteriaIt is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If ...

My is to correlate Gravel Run and Centreville Landing in terms of pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity/clarity and air and water temperature. My project will help to determine the relationship between Gra ...

The goal of these experiments is to compare the freezing temperature of salt water and freshwater, learn about supercooling and condensation nuclei.It is an educational content by cli ...

This project encourages the student to look for correlations between wind speed, temperature, and time of day in order to come up with an explanation about the origin of wind. The goal is to have the ...

This projects looks for a correlation between temperature and the intensity of cricket chirping. The goal is to have the student formulate and test a hypothesis about the relationship between temperat ...

Crickets chirp by rubbing their forewings together in order to attract mates. In this science project, you will analyze the relationship between temperature and the rate of cricket chirping.It is an e ...

This experiment will allow students to investigate the relationship between the temperature of a candle and its burn rate.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this ...

Before refrigerators and freezers were invented, people cooled their food and kept them from spoiling by putting it in ice and snow. This was obvious not convenient and does not nearly have the same p ...

Temperature affects your physiology- the reason we turn red in cold weather is because your body is attempting to shunt blood flow to your exposed areas and extremities to keep your temperature static ...

This science project tests the connection between outdoor temperature or weather conditions and the number of visible stars.:It is an educational content by clicking on the title of t ...