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The big flash you see when lightning strikes is a natural electrical discharge between a cloud and the ground, or within a cloud. This lightning can travel as fast as 140,000 MPH and reach temperature ...

Standard deviation is a statistic that tells you how closely a group of numbers (for example, temperatures) are clustered around a mean value (average temperature). When the standard deviation is smal ...

If you wake early in the morning, you may notice that the ground is wet with dew. This dew doesn’t come from rain, but seems to magically appear on surfaces. During the night, the temperature of the a ...

Energy is all about action! Thermal energy is transferred in many ways. The thermal energy of a substance can be determined by adding up all the kinetic and potential energy of its molecules. Convecti ...

If you live in a region where it snows frequently, you probably have heard adults claim that it is too cold to snow. This claim may seem to be based upon an old wives' tale. In this experiment, you wi ...

Surface tension is a property of liquids. Liquids have a limited ability – called surface tension - to resist an external force. For example, when a liquid forms a lens-shaped meniscus in a gradeuated ...

Though it is common knowledge that the average temperature increases as you move closer to the equator, many people do not understand why this is so. There are many reasons why the equatorial region e ...

This project investigates the relationship between carbon dioxide gas and temperature of the atmosphere. The goals of the project include estimating the average temperature of the atmosphere within a ...

Soil temperature varies from one month to the next depending upon such factors as solar radiation, rainfall, seasonal swings in overhead air temperature, plant cover, soil type, and depth in the earth ...

The goal of these experiments is to learn about how temperature affects density – and how in turn this affects affect the behavior of gases. Students will consider the meteorological implications of w ...