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Este libro destaca el modo de vida de una familia en la puna peruana.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation in collaboration with the Univer ...

Es la historia de un niño que viaja de la costa a la sierra peruana para reencontrarse con su padre.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation i ...

Los ocho relatos de este libro se basan en tradiciones y leyendas trasmitidas de manera oral. Sus historias, que emplean el símbolo del agua, expresan el origen y el destino de los personajes.

It is an ...

Estos cuentos han sido seleccionados y adaptados especialmente para los niños que están aprendiendo a leer.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Found ...

In this work, the author describes events relating to the life of the vicuna (a South American camelid) such as their origin and their shearing.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital ...

El cuento narra la manera como una niña evita que su hermanito se exponga a los peligros de la selva.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundation ...

Este libro presenta la historia de un algarrobo (árbol del norte del Perú) que comenta el peligro de la tala excesiva de árboles.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a pro ...

The Dragon King sent a jellyfish to Monkeyland to get a monkey whose liver could be used to cure the young Dragon Queen's illness. Read to find out how the monkey tricked the jellyfish, and why jelly ...

Jesús Cabel ha realizado una adecuada selección de tradiciones dedicadas a niños y jóvenes que contienen lo más representativo de la prosa de Ricardo Palma, el máximo representante de la literatura pe ...

Franklin is the only clean pig in his family. He is afraid to invite his friends home. After he paints a beautiful picture, his family cleans up the house and themselves to provide a perfect setting f ...